I look forward to hearing from you.


  • I only ask that you find a quiet and peaceful place to sit where we won’t be interrupted.

  • Although this is possible, please remain open and calm. It’s important we keep our energy clear and receptive. Forcing a specific outcome can muddy the waters.

  • The future is fluid. If Spirit wants to provide guidance on something that has yet to past, they will. Free will is an important part of life and can often change the fates of many.

  • For the sitter, it’s mostly listening. When I ask you a question, “Yes/maybe/not sure” are great responses. Please try not to elaborate too much because the more spirit can provide, the more profound and healing the reading can be. For example, if you explain where your loved one is from, and spirit mentions that later in the reading, that validation means less to you. Please let me and spirit do all the work!